Cheap Leads with Facebook Dynamic Ads

Cheap Leads with Facebook Dynamic Ads
Learn how to get a torrent of new paying customers!
Facebook Dynamic Ads are a great way to boost your ad performance. They're also an easy way to put your Facebook ads on autopilot. If you're just getting started with Facebook Dynamic Ads, or if you need a refresher on what they are, read on!
What Are Facebook Dynamic Ads?
Facebook Dynamic Ads are a form of ad targeting that lets you target users based on their browsing history and interests. It's essentially the same logic behind retargeted ads: you show users ads that are relevant to their online behaviors and interests, so they see more relevant ads while they're browsing the web.
How Do You Use Facebook Dynamic Ads?
You can set up your own custom audiences when creating or editing your ad groups. This means that whenever someone visits your website through Facebook (or any other website), they'll be automatically added to your Custom Audiences list and can be targeted with Dynamic Ads for as long as you'd like!
"The Design Paradox creates systems that guarantee that your leads convert to customers, systems that give you more money, more time, and more freedom"
How Do You Get Started?
You can get started on Facebook's website. Once you have an account there, you can create a campaign and customize it with targeting options for your brand name, keywords, and more. You can also add an audience selector so that people who have already visited your website or viewed one of your posts are presented as potential customers for a campaign—this is called retargeting, then it’s all about customization and just letting it flow.
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